Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zelda the Zebra

Hello dear grandchildren,

My name is Zelda and I'm a Zebra! The bird on my back is my good friend Tweeter. Me and Tweeter are so happy you let your grandparents come here and visit us in Africa. We have lots of children just like you over here and they are so happy you are sharing your Grandpa and Grandma (Gema.)

Me and Tweeter are going to be writing to you each and every week telling you stories about what your grandparents are doing and seeing each day. There will be stories about our animal friends and stories of the children living in Nakuru stories too. We will try to send you pictures and videos of all the happens during the next 3 months. It will be so exciting! So get your mommies to check my blog so you don't miss anything.

Well, me and tweeter got to go but you'll be hearing from us soon.
Kwa heri.... That's the way we say good bye here in Kenya. Oh by the way, here are some pictures of my friends. Bye Bye.

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